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The question of the day is, even if the country did build internet
broadband to every house and holler, would people use it? Or, as a new Pew Internet & American Life report
asks, “If you build it, will they log on?”  Report author John Horrigan
finds that there is a problem with getting broadband to people who
don’t have access today, especially in rural areas. “Providing
incentives to build broadband infrastructure directly addresses the
availability problem and could be of particular help to Americans
living in rural areas, where 24% of dial-up users say they cannot get
broadband because high-speed infrastructure doesn’t reach their home,”
Horrigan writes.

But most people (51%) who use dial-up or don’t have any connection at
all say they don’t want broadband connections. They are too busy or 
they just aren’t interested. Another 18% of this group say broadband
costs too much or it’s too difficult to use. Simply, two-thirds of
those who don’t have broadband “do not seem likely targets of efforts
to boost the economy through broadband investment,” according to

Still, the report indicates that rural areas are lacking connection.
And Horrigan advises that “targeted efforts to address infrastructure
gaps and cost barriers could, within a few years, boost broadband
adoption by as much as 10 percentage points.”

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