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Rural Covid-related deaths declined by 3.5% last week while urban deaths fell by 16%. That left rural counties with a death rate of 1.32 per 100,000, 57.7% higher than the urban rate.


Both rural and urban America had fewer Covid-19 deaths last week, but the disparity between the two death rates expanded for the fifth week in a row.

Rural Covid-related deaths declined by 3.5% last week while urban deaths fell by 16%. That left rural counties with a death rate of 1.32 per 100,000, nearly 60% higher than the urban rate.

Rural counties reported 610 Covid-19 deaths last week, 22 fewer than two weeks ago. Urban counties reported 2,369 deaths last week, 454 fewer deaths than the previous week.


The number of infections also declined last week. Rural America reported 10% fewer new Covid-19 infections. The urban infection rate dropped by 5.9% from two weeks ago. 

Rural America reported an infection rate 20% higher than the urban rate last week. 

Because the CDC does not report the number of infections detected through home testing, the actual infection rate is likely much higher. 

Cumulatively, the rural death rate is 36% higher than the urban death rate. 

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